Watermelon: A juicy dilemma for those with dysphagia
Dementia and Speech Pathology is more than Dysphagia
A Snag in the Classic Bangers and Mash Dish
Ice Cream, an unsuspecting choking risk
How Speech Pathologists can support you with your mealtimes
Supporting Swallowing and Communication for People with Huntington’s Disease
RECIPE: HEHP Cheesy Mashed Potato
Peanut Butter: A Sticky Situation for people with dysphagia
Can swallowing assessments be conducted via telehealth?
5 reasons why you need IDDSI training
Resident’s choice and control: A difficult diagnosis to swallow
All we want for Christmas is safe consumption
Dementia awareness: You are not alone
We hate to be the bread-er of bad news
How our Speech Pathologists empower individuals
Finding your voice with MND