Everything you need to know when preparing food for someone with an allergy
Food Allergy Training to educate all staff the importance of managing risks when serving and preparing food. Unless you are regularly preparing food for a person with food allergies, the ins and outs of allergy management are more complicated than you think. This is why our Food Safety Experts and Dietitians have created a training course for all food handlers.

Understand the complexities and importance of managing food allergies within your home or centre to keep our residents and children safe!
Our full comprehensive food allergy training includes

2 hours in-depth education

Includes all common food allergies

Presented by one of our Food Safety Experts or Dietitians Onsite or virtually

Covers food safety and dietetic information

Opportunity for Q&As
What is a food handler?
Anyone who handles, prepares, cleans, or serves food is a food handler. Besides the kitchen staff, think Clinical Staff, Childcare educators, cleaners, directors, and centre mangers too. The list goes on! When the potential outcome of handling an allergen wrong is dire, all need to be trained in the management of Food Allergens. Families are welcome to be included too.
Upcoming Food Allergy Training sessions
Our next session of our Food Allergy Training is coming up soon. Held virtually via Teams to ensure all food handlers can join from around Australia.

Group sessions are available too. We can come to you or you can come to us.
Reach out to our team to find out more.

Food Allergen Guide
Our handy guide for food handlers about everything relating to Food Allergens. Includes a booklet with general information about the management of food allergens, information cards per allergen and posters. Ideal to refer to when needed or refresher after completing the comprehensive Food Allergy Training.
Our Food Allergen Guide includes:
What is a food Allergy?
How to give an EpiPen
Top 10 food safety rules regarding allergens.
5 Steps to Food Allergen Management in Foodservice
Allergen cards
Posters and more!
Plain English Allergen Labelling
Have you noticed a change in the way food allergens are listed on packaged foods lately? For children, residents and families who live with food allergies, there is a welcome change improving the way food allergens are listed on products, called PEAL.
Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) have updated the laws on allergen labelling for foods that can cause severe allergic reactions. Food allergen declarations now must be clear and consistent to help everyone make safe food choices