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The OSCARS Recognition of Excellence: Sofia Simopoulos

OSCAR Care Group industry award winner Sofia Simopoulos

We are delighted to introduce Sofia Simopoulos, from Fronditha Care Thornbury and recipient of The OSCARS Recognition of Excellence program.

OSCAR Care Group recognises Sofia as a committed, hard-working & very friendly laundry assistant of 20 years’ service, who has great attention to detail, and provides excellent service & kindness to the residents.

Sofia was born in Greece and moved to Australia when she was 14 years old. With Bill, her husband of 46 years’ marriage, she has three children (Helen, Jim & Victoria) and five grandchildren. Sofia spent many years bringing up her children, and then decided to seek employment again.

Sofia says, “The love I have of being able to care & contribute to the wellbeing of our elderly was my main motivation to seek employment in Aged Care.

Her initial hospitality training started with her employment at Fronditha Care in 2001. Fronditha Care Thornbury was then a 30-bed home and increased to 120 beds in 2013. During her years at Fronditha, Sophia has worked in both the laundry & kitchen departments.

She has a wonderful and trusting relationship with the residents and always stays calm and listens to them to overcome any difficult situations.

Since 2013, Sofia has worked diligently as the laundry assistant. She was proud to achieve her Certificate III modules in Hospitality. Sofia shares, “My definition of hard work is working to the best of my ability, not being unnecessary distracted and focusing in servicing our residents on time.”

Sofia loves working at Fronditha Care. She says “We are a tight knit team in the laundry and respect plays its role in creating a good working relationship. I have made very good friends over the years.”

Sofia has enjoyed learning that work friendships can last a very long time! She credits the people she has worked along-side as a great support and pleasure to work with and has the utmost respect and love for the friends she has made. Sofia is grateful for her good friend Irene, who she has worked with for 15 years!

It is a demanding role to ensure that each of the 120 residents’ items are carefully sorted, cleaned, and returned in good condition to the residents. Sofia listens to residents and respects how they want their items placed in their drawers and cupboards.

Sofia shares, “It’s wonderful being recognized by management for my organized ways in streamlining the work. An example is my idea in helping implement a scheduled laundry duty and task daily timetable.”

Sofia is thrilled to be a recipient of The OSCARS Recognition of Excellence. “I’m extremely proud that my work commitment and has not gone unnoticed. There can be no greater recognition from your peers and from the management team in recognizing and acknowledging your work ethic and service to the organisation.”

Sofia's Team at Fronditha Care Thornbury

Sofia’s Dreams

Sofia was born in Serres, in Northern Greece. She spent much of her childhood with her grandparents, who lived in the same street, and she was proudly their first grandchild!

Sofia has fond memories of spending time with her grandmother (Yaya – below right). She and Sofia’s mother (below left) taught Sofia how to cook the traditional Greek meals that she still makes for her family. Sofia would love to make a family recipe book of all of her favourite special meals one day.

As her last visit to Greece was in 1985, Sofia dreams of one day visiting her homeland again, especially her first home in Serres.

Sofia's mother (left) and grandmother (right)


Sofia Simopoulos, You’re AMAZING!


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