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Physiotherapy: Dry Needling

Have you heard the buzz of dry needling in the physiotherapy community and wondered if it is for you? Dry Needling is an accessible and commonly used therapy technique that is used to treat a range of different conditions. It has become extremely popular for clients who wish for immediate pain relief or are looking for alternative treatments.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling is a technique that is implemented by Physiotherapists which can be used to treat musculoskeletal pain and tension. It is a technique that is incorporated into a pain management plan and is often accompanied by prescribing massage, exercises, stretching and other techniques.

The treatment involves a provider inserting one or more thin sterile single-use needle(s) to treat underlying myofascial trigger points. This is the thin white connective tissues around your muscles!

Trigger points are knotted and tender areas that develop in taut bands around your muscles. They can often restrict your full range of motion and can cause pain/tenderness. These areas are highly sensitive to pain and often the cause of a client feeling uncomfortable and seeking treatment.

Dry needling is used to alleviate these Trigger Points. This results in reduced tightness, increases blood flow which reduces muscular pain.

Physiotherapy: Dry Needling

How is Dry Needling Used?

When we have an area of tender nodules in our muscles, dry needling can be used to increase blood flow and signaling in these myofascial trigger points and allows your muscles to go back to their resting state.

How quickly does Dry Needling work and what are the benefits?

The improvement from Dry Needling has an almost immediate effect on clients. For other clients it may take a few more sessions. It is important to note that Dry Needling is usually part of a Pain Management Plan and there are often other prescribed techniques that are used alongside dry needling to have the biggest impact for clients.

Dry Needling is a relatively inexpensive treatment, which has a low risk of complications. The most common side effect after treatment is soreness. However other minor side effects may include Stiffness, Bruising, Fainting and Fatigue.

Serious side effects are extremely rare, however if they do occur it is important to seek medical attention.

Conditions that may be treated by dry needling

Dry Needling can be used to treat a variety of conditions, some including:

  • Acute and chronic back pain

  • Chronic neck pain

  • Tension type and migraine headaches

  • Pelvic girdle pain

  • Knee osteoarthritis

  • Lateral elbow pain

  • Shoulder conditions

Who shouldn’t receive Dry Needling

Those who are: Pregnant, not properly informed, are afraid of needles, have recently had surgery or are on blood thinners should make their provider aware of this as it is not recommended to get dry needling.

Dry needle therapy on neck and shoulder pain by Physio Mount Waverley

Dry Needling or Acupuncture?

Dry Needling is different from Acupuncture. It is performed with the same type of needle however they are two distinct methods. Dry Needling is used to release Trigger points and pressure in muscles. This helps to relieve muscle pain and tightness. Acupuncture is used based on the meridian system in Eastern Medicine. This can be used to treat anxiety, allergies, nausea, etc.

Book a Dry Needing Appointment

Physiotherapists can assist clients through pain management and use a range of techniques to do so. Dry needling is available to be booked with our Physiotherapy team. If you wish to enquire you can get more information by calling (03) 9560 1844 or by emailing clinic@oscarcaregroup.com.au

Clients can access Dry Needling by getting a private referral or an Enhance Primary Care Plan written by their general practitioner (GP). Appointments can be booked in the clinic in Mount Waverley. In your initial appointment, a physiotherapist will collaborate with you to create a Pain Management Plan to address your physiotherapy goals and a consent form will need to be completed before treatment is undertaken.

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